













American Marine Tech has the experience to handle your repower needs from inception to completion. Our background allows us to use every possible resource for your project to keep you on budget and on time. From state of the art CAD capabilities to boat yard coordination your project is never too large for our staff.


Please contact our staff for more details that may assist your repower needs.

[Contact us Now]

Please fill out the following form

Company Name         Phone Number   

Fax Number              Contact Name      

E-mail Address     

What is your immediate area of interest   

What is the vessel make        what is the vessel type        Length   

What is the vessel displacement LBS    What is the propeller size    by

What is the in service date of the vessel    of    Year

for Engines please provide the following information as complete as possible

Engine Make        Engine Model Number   

Horsepower    @RPM            Application  

Hull Design                    Hours per year use   


for Transmissions please provide the following information as complete as possible

Horsepower    @RPM            Application  

Ratio :1    Flywheel SAE size        Bellhousing SAE size   

What kind of torsional coupling do you have   

Please type in the words you see in the box below, in order and separated by a space.

