Please fill out the following form
Company Name Phone Number
Fax Number Contact Name
What is your immediate area of interest Please choose New Engine New Transmission Repower project Spare parts Engine/Transmission repair
What is the vessel make what is the vessel type Length
What is the vessel displacement LBS What is the propeller size by
What is the in service date of the vessel Please choose JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC of
for Engines please provide the following information as complete as possible
Engine Make Engine Model Number
Horsepower @RPM Application Please choose Pleasure Craft Light Duty Medium Duty Heavy/Contiuous Duty
Hull Design Please choose Planning hull Semi-Displacement hull Displacement hull Hours per year use
for Transmissions please provide the following information as complete as possible
Ratio :1 Flywheel SAE size Please choose SAE #3 SAE #2 SAE #1 SAE #0 Bellhousing SAE size Please choose SAE #3 CAT SAE #3 SAE #2 SAE #1 SAE #0 SAE #00
What kind of torsional coupling do you have Please choose Vulkan natural rubber Vulkan silicone rubber Centa dual stage natural rubber Centa dual stage silicone rubber Spring dampner plate Unknown